29 de outubro de 2012

AG EFRA 2012 (01)

Vejam as alterações sugeridas! Algumas de facto hilariantes, pelo menos para mim! É pena é que ninguém se preocupe em limitar o número de pneus num EC, nem baixar o peso dos carros, ou outras coisas bem mais importantes...

Exemplo 01 :


Remarks: Appendix 5 – General: Studying actions “against” the problems of consumption and fuel limitation due to the bad spectacles offered in the final minutes of a semifinal or final with cars running at idle. 

a. Increase the fuel tank to 800cc 
b. Reduce the Semi-Final duration to 25 minutes 
c. Do not allow, in any case, the re-fuelling.

(Esta é hilariante, de facto pilotos oficiais secarem numa meia final é complicado!!)

Exemplo 02:

Existing Rule: TIME SCHEDULE for EC EC Tracks must be closed for Large Scale Racing, two weeks prior of the event. No cars are allowed on the track before Sunday morning. General qualification format for EC´s: Minimum 4 and Maximum 6 series of 10 minutes heats depending on the number of drivers. The number of series, time schedule and heat order to be announced prior to the first round of qualification. If there are 60 drivers or less, 6 rounds. If there are >60 - <80 100="100" 4="4" 5="5" 80="80" are="are" drivers="drivers" event="event" font="font" if="if" less="less" monday="monday" more="more" morning.="morning." on="on" rounds.="rounds." starts="starts" than="than" the="the" there="there">

Proposal: TIME SCHEDULE for EC EC Tracks must be closed for Large Scale Racing, two weeks prior of the event. No cars are allowed on the track before Sunday morning. General qualification format for EC´s: Minimum 4 and Maximum 6 series of 10 minutes heats depending on the number of drivers. The number of series, time schedule and heat order to be announced prior to the first round of qualification. If there are 60 drivers or less, 6 rounds. If there are >60 - 

Remarks: 3) Appendix 5 – 2.4 - Time Schedule for EC: Reduce the European Championships just to 5 competition days, from Tuesday to Saturday inclusive, including free practice. The reason is to reduce costs -stay and materials costs, i.e. tyres cost with too many practice days…

Exemplo 03:

Existing Rule: RACE FORMAT 

Proposal: RACE FORMAT 

Remarks: Ask EFRA to propose IFMAR the same rule about the “Championship reduction to 5 days” for the World Championships. We believe that this rule would enhance the participation of teams from other continents to make compatible the competition with a few days of family holidays.

(Esta sim, faz todo o sentido)

Exemplo 04:


Existing Rule: TYRES Tyres have to be black. The design of the tyre profile is free. It is not allowed to treat the tyres in the pit area. This means it is clearly forbidden. But if someone use it at home, it is recommended that the chemical components of these products must be harmless for people and environment. Liability at the use of tyre additives lies at the user and manufacturer. Oil of wintergreen, paragon and other strong smelling products are prohibited. 

Proposal: Tyres have to be black. The design of the tyre profile is free. It is not allowed to treat the tyres in the pit area. This means it is clearly forbidden. If someone uses treated tyres, he would be disqualified. 

Remarks: The treatment of tyres should be forbidden. Nobody can say by peace of conscience, what is harmless. Many many years everybody used asbestos until somebody found out, that cancer of the lung is the consequence.

Ou seja usas, mas ninguém pode ver! Estes idiotas deviam era obrigar os pneus a serem comprados no dia prova. Todos os pneus deviam ser entregues à organização, tendo cada piloto direito a X pares de pneus para o evento Y. Assim acabava-se de vez com a supremacia dos pilotos oficiais, sendo que ficava tudo em pé de igualdade, com exactamente o mesmo número de pneus para gastar e exactamente todos com pneus iguais. Enquanto isto não for uma realidade ninguém chegará aos calcanhares que quem tem tudo à borla, excepto, claro quem tiver um papa com muito dinheiro e não tenha nada para fazer na vida! Sendo isto um hobby, o caminho é uniformizar! Mas isto sou eu, sou louco!!!

Vamos ver o que vai sair desta AG! Mais merda, como sempre...! Ah.. a história das bobines está de volta na baila, isto porque já há muitos pilotos a chegarem com alguma facilidade ao TOP20 que não são dos ... bons!!

E vamos lá ver se temos direito ao EC 2014 em Vila-Real..! Hum... será desta que fazemos a Jóia da Coroa fazer mais 2000KM para irem ao EC... Acham..acham...! 

Tiago Sykes